Acupuncture in Loughborough
Acupuncture in Loughborough is now within your reach with other natural therapies and herbal medicine available. If you are looking for a clinic that provides natural, holistic treatments for pain relief or other health problems in Loughborough, and wish to be healed without the use of chemicals, come to us for professional advice. Acupuncture in Loughborough is quite popular, but the acupuncture treatment we provide is really authentic, since the doctor was trained in China, where acupuncture originated and developed.
Acupuncture Treatment
If you experience health problems then come to us for even one session of acupuncture treatments that can drastically alleviate this. We utilise acupuncture treatment to help with these problem and can offer a combination of treatments to suit you.
We have been practising for more than 10 years now and during that time have acquired an abundance of knowledge and practical understanding. This has enabled us to look at the way we practice and find self improvement in order for us to help our clients in a more efficient manner.
Herbal Medicine
Also we are a chinese herbal shop in Loughborough. We can make a herbal medicine in Loughborough that is suitable for all kinds of afflictions, where we mix it to individual proportions and therefore it is tailor-made. This means you know you are receiving the right treatments for your subjective needs.
Our staff genuinely care about supporting people, where we maintain friendly and approachable natures at all times.
Problem We Treat
- Muscular & Skeletal: Lower Back pain, Arthritis, Stiff neck, Sciatica, Tennis elbrow, Sprains, and etc;
- Internal: Colds and Flu, Dizziness, Nausea, Vomiting, IBS,Gastritis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Diabetes, Haemorrhoids, Colon Inflammation (Colitis), Heart problems, High blood pressure, and etc;
- Skin Problems: Eczema, Herpes, Psoriasis, Acne, Hair Loss, and etc;
- Emotional Disorder: Stress, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, and etc;
- Neurological Disorders: ME, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Headaches & Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, and etc;
- Others: Quitting Smoke, Losing Weight, Beauty, and ect;
How We Treat Your Problems
We do natural therapies of acupuncture treatment, medical massage (Chinese Tui-na), cupping and herbal medicine to treat a wide range of problem.We maintain contact with other two chinese medicine shop in Loughborough to enable timely communication on relevant issues.
Phone Today
For enquiry or to arrange an appointment for a free consultation, please phone us today on 01509215793 or e-mail us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Special offers are available and we always try to keep our prices reasonable.